[Invert Md] ICE US: CC Cocoa Futures CFD
Cocoa Futures (ICE US, NYCC:CC) :
Trading Screen Product Name: Cocoa Futures
Trading Screen Hub Name: NYCC
Commodity Code: CC
Contract Size: 10 metric tons
Price Quotation: Dollars per metric tons
Minimum Price Fluctuation: $1.00/metric ton, equivalent to $10.00 per contract
Daily Price Limit: None
Settlement: Physical Delivery
Contract Series: March, May, July, September, December
Last Trading Day: One business day prior to last notice day.
First Notice Day: Ten business days prior to first business day of delivery month.
Last Notice Day: Ten business days prior to last business day of delivery month
Delivery Locations: At licensed warehouses in the Port of New York District, Delaware River Port District, Port of Hampton Roads, Port of Albany or Port of Baltimore.
Trading Hours:
(1) New York 04:45 - 13:30. pre-open 20:00
(2) London 09:45 - 18:30. pre-open 01:00
(3) Singapore 16:45 - 01:30. pre-open 08:00