[Trading] CME CBOT: ZW Chicago SRW Wheat Futures prices chart

Left side big chart (Month), Right side small charts (Year and Week)

Chicago SRW Wheat Futures (CME CBOT: ZW) : CBOT = Chicago Board of Trade. Product Code: CME Globex: ZW. Contract Unit: 5,000 bushels (~ 136 metric tons). Price Quotation: U.S. cents per bushel. Minimum Price Fluctuation: 1/4 of one cent (0.0025) per bushel = $12.50 . Settlement Method: Deliverable. Trading Hours: Sunday – Friday: 7:00 p.m. – 7:45 a.m. CT and Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 1:20 p.m. CT. Termination Of Trading: Trading terminates on the business day prior to the 15th day of the contract month. Listed Contracts: 15 monthly contracts of Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec listed annually following the termination of trading in the July contract of the current year.
Trading Hours :
(1) 19:00 ~ 07:45 (Sunday – Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 7:45 a.m. CT)
(2) 08:30 ~ 13:20 (Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 1:20 p.m. CT)
(1) 09:00 ~ 21:45
(2) 22:30 ~ 03:20

6 classes of wheat :
HRW Wheat = Hard Red Winter Wheat : excellent milling and baking characteristics for wheat foods like hearth breads, hard rolls, croissants and flat breads, Asian noodles.
HRS Wheat = Hard Red Spring Wheat : foods like hearth breads, rolls, croissants, bagels and pizza crust.
HW Wheat = Hard White Wheat : for Asian noodles, pan breads, flat breads.
SRW Wheat = Soft Red Winter Wheat : for producing a wide range of confectionary products like cookies, crackers and cakes.
SW Wheat = Soft White Wheat : low moisture wheat with excellent milling results, for a whiter and brighter product sucha as Asian-style noodles, exquisite cakes, pastries and other confectionary products.
Drum Wheat : hrdest of all wheats. rich amber color and high gluten content. for premium pasta products, couscous and some Mediterranean breads.