TOCOM Platinum Standard Futures prices chart, JPY(¥) per gram

Platinum Standard Futures : TOCOM = Tokyo Commodity Exchange (Japan Exchange Group : JPX). Platinum is a precious metal produced primarily in Republic of South Africa and Russia. The growing awareness of the environment has made Platinum an essential material as catalyst.

Type of Trade: Physically Delivered Futures Transaction.
Standard: Platinum of minimum 99.95% fineness.
Opening Date: January 26, 1984. (transferred from TOCOM on July 27, 2020).
Trading Hours (Tokoy): 8:45-15:15, 16:30-5:30. An order acceptance period ("pre-closing") is established for 5 minutes before the Itayose on close.
Contract Months: Nearest 6 contract months (February, April, June, August, October and December).
Last Trading Day: Day session on the third business day preceding the Delivery Day.
Contract Unit: 500g/ contract (approximately 16.08 troy ounces).
Price Increment: ¥1 per gram (¥500 per Contract Unit).
Delivery Unit: 500g.
Price Limits: Normal ¥400, 1st Expansion ¥600, 2nd Expansion: ¥800.
Circuit Breaker Rule (SCB): Price Limits/ Circuit Breaker Rule.
Customer Position Limits: Current contract month 100 Contracts, Current contract (month before expiry month) 150 contracts, 2nd contract 200 contracts, month All contract months combined 3,500 contracts.
Settlement: Resale or repurchase, and Final settlement (physical delivery).