CME CBOT:UME Urea (Granular) FOB Middle East Futures (Fertilizer futures) prices chart

Urea (Granular) FOB Middle East Futures (Fertilizer futures) (CME CBOT:UME) :
Product Code: CME Globex: UME, CME ClearPort: UME, Clearing: UME

Contract Unit: 100 metric tons
Price Quotation: U.S. dollars and cents per metric ton
Minimum Price Fluctuation: 0.25 per metric ton = $25.00
Settlement Method: Financially Settled

Floating Price: The Floating price shall be based on the arithmetic average of midpoint price assessments published weekly by both ICIS and Profercy during the contract month.

Listed Contracts: Monthly contracts listed for 12 consecutive months

Termination Of Trading:
(1) Jan-Nov contract months: Trading terminates on the last Thursday of the contract month. If this is not a U.S. or London business day, trading terminates on the prior U.S. and London business day.
(2) Dec contract month: Trading terminates on the Thursday prior to December 26th. If this is not a U.S. or London business day, trading terminates on the prior U.S. and London business day.

Trading Hours:
(1) CME Globex: Sunday - Friday 5:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. CT with a 60-minute break each day beginning at 4:00 p.m. CT
(2) CME ClearPort: Sunday 5:00 p.m. - Friday 5:45 p.m. CT with no reporting Monday - Thursday from 5:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. CT