ICE-US Soft Commodities Futures prices [WDM]

(Week Day and Minutes)

Sugar No. 11 Futures (ICE US: SB) : The Sugar No. 11 contract is the world benchmark contract for raw sugar trading. The contract prices the physical delivery of raw cane sugar, free-on-board the receiver's vessel to a port within the country of origin of the sugar. Trading Screen Product Name: Sugar No. 11 Futures. Trading Screen Hub Name: NYCC. Commodity Code: SB. Contract Size : 112,000 pounds, Price Quotation : Cents and hundredths of a cent per pound to two decimal places, Minimum Price Movement : 1/100 cent/lb., equivalent to $11.20 per contract. Daily Price Limit: None. Settlement : Physical delivery, FOB receiver's vessel. Trading Hours : New York (03:30 - 13:00), London (08:30 - 18:00), Singapore (15:30 - 01:00). Last Trading Day: Last business day of the month preceding the delivery month. Contract Series: March, May, July and October.