CME COMEX: GSR Gold/Silver Ratio Futures prices chart

Gold/Silver Ratio Futures (CME COMEX: GSR) Contract Specifications

Product Code: CME Globex: GSR, CME ClearPort: GSR, Clearing: GSR

Contract Unit: 500 Index Points
Price Quotation: U.S. Dollars and Cents per Index Point
Minimum Price Fluctuation: 0.05 per Index Point
Settlement Method: Financially Settled

Listed Contracts: Nearest 2 cycle month combinations Dec-16, Jan-17 (the contract month is the expiration of the nearest cycle month of the combination) Contract Combinations: Feb = Feb GC vs. Mar SI, Mar = Apr GC vs. Mar SI, Apr = Apr GC vs. May SI, May = Jun GC vs. May SI, Jun = Jun GC vs. Jul SI, Jul = Aug GC vs. Jul SI, Aug = Aug GC vs. Sep SI, Sep = Dec GC vs. Sep SI, Dec = Dec GC vs. Dec SI.

Floating Price: The Floating Price shall be determined on the last trading day of a contract month, and shall be calculated using the prices for Gold Futures and Silver Futures published by the Exchange. For a contract month, the reference month of the Gold Futures price shall be same month or the next nearest month in the cycle February, April, June, August, and December. For a contract month, the reference month of the Silver Futures price shall be same month or the next nearest month in the cycle March, May, July, September and December. The Gold Futures price will be determined by a volume weighted average price (VWAP) during the 1:24-1:25pm EST period of the reference month. The Silver Futures price will be the settlement price of the reference month. The Floating Price shall be the Gold Futures price divided by the Silver Futures price, and shall be rounded to two decimal places.

Termination of Trading: Trading terminates on the third last business day of month prior to the contract month.

Trading Hours:
Sunday - Friday 6:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.ET (5:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. CT) with a 60-minute break each day beginning at 5:00 p.m ET. (4:00 p.m. CT)